AIM8000-OU is a versatile system based on an intelligent sensor array designed for monitoring air quality in both industrial and municipal areas where odor is a serious health and quality of life issue.
Typical applications include wastewater treatment plants, landfills, chemical, petrochemical plants, agricultural processing plants etc.
The AIM8000-OU system detects odors and gaseous hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, VOCs in real time, showing the concentrations of targeted gases and compounds.
The system may be expanded by adopting other sensors including five meteorological parameters and PM10/PM2.5/PM1 particles.
Utilizing multiple systems, the customers may install a network to create odor dispersion profiles, thus providing immediate alerts through an optional wireless communication unit, reporting when thresholds are exceeded.
■ Utilizing multiple technologies/sensors for different odor compounds;
■ Real-time odor plume display and atmospheric dispersion modeling;
■ Optional weather data unit for monitoring of wind direction, wind speed, temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure、and PM10/PM2.5/PM1 etc.;
■ Optional wireless communication unit for network forming and remote data logging;
■ Low power consumption, high reliability, and almost mainte nances free;
■ Eliminates on-site sampling and lab measurements, saving time of operations staff;
■ Optimizes treatments such as odor neutralizing chemical use;
■ Reporting and early warning to local communities, govern ments and EPA.