Welcome to Delta-Phase

Delta-Phase Electronics Supports Penn State University Research


Delta-Phase staff has been working closely with Jon Duncan Professor of Hydrology at Penn State’s Department of Ecosystem Science & Management. Professor Duncan’s group is using the Delta-Phase SA-9 multiparameter spectrum analysis instrument for monitoring surface waters in the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory. His group’s research is aimed at developing a better understanding of the interactions among water, energy, gas, solutes, and sediments, and how these interactions impact downstream ecosystems that feed into the Chesapeake Bay, a major aquatic body on the eastern US seaboard. Professor Duncan and his students are gaining a good exposure to state-of-the-art monitoring instrumentation through their collaboration with Delta-Phase.

Figure 1. In Professor Duncan’s laboratory, preparing the Delta-Phase SA-9 for deployment in the field.

Figure 2. Field site at the Cole Farm in rural central Pennsylvania.

Figure 3. Deployment of SA-9 in stream at Cole Farm.

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