FA7-BA Cyanobacteria (Blue-green Algae) sensor uses fluorescence to measure cyanobacteria concentrations in water.
When cyanobacteria are excited by a high-energy LED light source at 590nm, a specific fluorescence wavelength is emitted which based on its spectral absorption signature, may be used to detect cyanobacteria concentrations in water.
FA7-CP utilizes fluorescence to measure phycocyanin inside chlorophyll and derived substances in water.
The content of chlorophyll is calculated by the released fluorescence energy when excited by a high-energy LED light beam of 470nm through water;
It excites chlorophyll in water to produce fluorescence with a specific wavelength which is then employed to measure the concentration of chlorophyll.
FA7-MO measures moderate to high concentrations (on the order of 100 to 1000 micrograms per liter) of FDOM in water.
When FDOM are excited by a high-energy LED light source of 360nm, it produces a specific wavelength fluorescence which can be detected referring to a kind of oil-in-water concentration.
• In-situ monitoring
• High sensitivity, fast response, stable and reliable
• Range adjustable, automatic daylight compensation
• Low power consumption, easy operation and maintenance
• Digital transmission, low interference susceptibility
• Integrated sensor design, submersible operation down to 60 meters
• Built-in wiper for automatic self-cleaning
• Lake, reservoir, underground, river and coastal water
• The presence of Cyanobacteria in freshwater bodies used for both drinking water and recreational purposes is under increasing public health attention. Measuring cyanobacteria concentration helps to estimate the abundance of blue green algae
• Chlorophyll is a basic parameter monitoring eutrophication and algal biomass of surface water. Measuring chlorophyll is important to control the occurrence of nutrition in water bodies
• Mineral Oil are primarily anthropogenic sources of hydrocarbons like mineral oils, pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides. In the literature it is common to refer to the fluorescent part of the TOC as fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM)
Selection Guide